We are excited for you to experience the 48 unit Energy Enhancement System (EEsystem)! The 48 units have 4-10x the power of the original 24 units at Wellness Visions per Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, holistic healer and inventor of the EESystem.  Dr Sandra shares many miracles are being reported in other 48 units.  We are providing this upgrade to improve the potential for increasing your energy, healing your own body and make quantum shifts in consciousness.  

Our 48 unit has a special hybrid system with 28 units on shelves creating a scalar vortex of energy and 20 units on 4 racks that create vectors for energetic potential.  

Due to this configuration with the racks, we have new rules in place to create and maintain an optimal energetic environment for everyone present in the room.

48 unit EESystem Rules 
1. Keep all chairs in place unless directed by the Wellness Visions team. We have the chairs set up for the optimal path of the biophotons between the racks to create the scalar wave.  Therefore, for the benefit of all using the space, the chairs are not to moved into the center of the room or anywhere else.

2. Keep 1 foot clear of EESystem racks especially in front of the monitors.  The racks are precisely aligned for the scalar wave to be created.  We ask that no one, unless authorized, touch the racks and the electronic components.  There is a fee of $3000 for realignment of the EESystem.

For all members to be in the 48 units, members will have to agree to the rules and complete the 48 unit liability form here before your next session at Wellness Visions which needs to be completed once only.

Due to feedback from members, we will reinforce the original policy of NO electronics under the EESystem..not even airplace mode to minimize any disturbances and to enhance everyone’s focus on receiving the benefits of the EESystem.  Please leave your phones in your car or leave your phones at the front desk.  

Besides being an electronic free zone, we also remind all members that we are a scent free zone due to members who are sensitive to scents.

Unlimited and Overnight Specials 
We continue to bring value to our members by maintain the same daytime process for EESystem sessions such as $60 an hour for 2 or more hours.  

Get unlimited daytime EESystem session for 30 days with the Accelerate Wholeness Program (AWP) for $555 a month.  You will have access to recorded health and wellness coaching sessions with me as well. Review and sign up for the AWP here

This weekend we have a series of the first 10 hour overnights in the 48 units for a savings of $120 (value $600) from 9 pm – 7 am.  Choose one of the 4 overnights March 7-11th.  You can also get more savings for overnights by purchasing 50 hour or 5 overnights for $2222 ($44.44 per hour) or $3960 ($39.60 per hour).  Click here to review the overnight specials and packages. 
Save the date of Saturday March 22nd for our Grand Opening of the 48 unit EESystem with special speakers and events and Sunday March 23rd for the Wellness Visions Spring Equinox Community celebration with a potluck, dancing and music from the Jai Josefs Quartet!

The next Stargate Global Livestream meditation is this Sunday, March 9th from 9:30-11:30 am.  Premium seats are filled with a few seats left in the standard seat.  You can also join online via Zoom here: 


We are delighted to announce the return of Marina’s Tuesday morning 
Qi Moves – The Dance of Qigong in March!
Tap into the power of your mind, body, spirit and Consciousness
Flow with Qi Moves and energize your body, tap into your life energy and the energy of the universe, awaken and align your chakras and develop a tranquil, clear mind.   Move with Marina Eglevsky’s Qigong with effortless, simple movement for self-healing.
Marina brings to this class her life-long experience as a professional, classical ballet dancer and teacher. Her expertise extends as well via her knowledge and teaching of Gyrotonics, an exercise method, yoga and Qi Gong, and years as a bodyworker and Rosen Method practitioner. 
Qi Moves hour classes may include any of the following: meridian/energy awakening – easy, flowing, simple movements – meditation – breathing exercises – moving each chakra center to align and awaken them.
Qigong is an ancient Chinese art and science of using posture, movement, breathing, and meditation to refine, gather and circulate life force to improve health and wellbeing, and to transform our spirit so we feel a permeability between ourselves and the Universe.

The benefits of Qigong can range from
Relieving stress
Gaining stretch in the body
Increase energy
Relieve pain
Reduce anxiety and depression
Experiencing joy and peace from within
One hour Qi Movement classes are at the Wellness Vision Center in the 48 unit Energy Enhancement System

Day: Tuesday March 11th, 18th, and 25th
Time: 8:30 – 9:30 AM     Price: $54 – single class
Book here 

Experience Marina’s Divine Divination card readings now with Energy Center Reading, a powerful way to unlock key information your energy centers have to tell you about your well-being and life.  
With this powerful reading a spread of cards is put out and each card represents an Energy Center, also called Chakra. The card read for the energy center can tell you many things about your energy center and over-all being, physically, psychologically, emotionally or spiritually. You’ll learn if the center is in alignment or balanced, or if it’s in tune in a healthy way, what it needs for your optimal health, or anything your higher self would like you to know about the centers. Energy centers are like mini brains in your body in relation to your spine, that regulate systems such as organs, hormones and your energy system. They are your guide to your life and well-being.

Marina Eglevsky’s card readings, Divine Divination, helps to solve problems; clarify confusions; find one’s purpose; and provide guidance on a chosen path. A regular deck of playing cards is used for the readings. Marina Eglevsky has over 30 years experience in readings for people, answering questions, guiding, and helping with anything life may invoke a question for.  Receive these readings in person or by phone.

1 hour reading $133 – recommended for initial reading
30 minutes $77
Three 30 min readings $180
Check out the offerings here.

The Wellness Visions team and I look forward to seeing you soon and hearing about your experience in the 48 unit EESystem at the Wellness Visions Center!

Jennie Hsu MD
Wellness Visions Founder 
Lifestyle Medicine Physician
Health and Wellness Coach
Energy Healer
5327 Jacuzzi Street Suite 1A
Richmond, CA 94804
510-660-5282  call or text

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